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Ignoring the Inevitable

Updated Blog3

Recently I have been pondering the next critical events that are already pre planned for all believers. The one we are aware of and most freely discuss is the "meeting in the air." (1 Thessalonians 4:17) But what major event occurs next once we are "with the Lord?" We are pressed to remember it and slow to consider how essential it is. I can limit your time of guessing wh...

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Guidance and Power of the Holy Spirit

Updated Blog3

Read Luke 8:40-56 This passage reveals the Spirit of God at work in Jesus. We need to start by remembering that Jesus never relied on His own deity during His earthly ministry (John 5:19, 30; 6:38; 8:28; 14:10). With that in mind let's consider what transpires one day as Jesus is traveling with the disciples. First, a ruler of the synagogue interrupts Jesus to plead with...

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