

Posts by Mickey McGee

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Returning to Our First Love

Updated Blog4

As a father of three grown boys, I many times stand in awe of what God has done in and through their lives. The one that stands out so vividly to me is the journey of my oldest son, Sean. As with many of us in life, Sean chose the broad path which the Word clearly states leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13) and was a day away from being homeless, consumed by the things of t...

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Our Speech/Words: Powerful or Destructive?

Updated Blog2

This week I read a narrative that a brother in Christ had put out on social media, and while attempting to get his point across, it was riddled with vulgar and offensive words. My first flinch was disgust and being broken hearted about what so many would read and think. I was probably more disgusted about what man may think, disregarding what God thinks. During my time in ...

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Find God Working Around You and Join Him

Updated Blog1

I was freshly reminded in my recent devotional time and in my preparation formy Home Church Group study on Experiencing God, of how Moses was quiteconvinced that he was unqualified for the assignment God was calling him to inExodus 3:11 4:17. God knew exactly what He was doing in His calling to Mosesto go to Pharaoh and tell him to let His people go. Moses however, did no...

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Making the Best Use of Time

Updated Blog6


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