February 15, 2023
by Jay Letey
Walk by the Spirit
Recently I have been pondering the next critical events that are already pre planned for all believers. The one we are aware of and most freely discuss is the "meeting in the air." (1 Thessalonians 4:17)
But what major event occurs next once we are "with the Lord?" We are pressed to remember it and slow to consider how essential it is. I can limit your time of guessing wh...
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October 27, 2022
by Jay Letey
Over the years I have observed an interesting pattern in how people grow in their understanding of God as they pursue His Word. In the first reading of the Old Testament the initial reaction is, "God is a big bully. He completely destroys people for disobedience." Then the next reading they observe that God had warned them prior to bringing about their doom. The next phase...
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September 26, 2022
by Jay Letey
Lessons from the Shepherd of the Largest Flock Recorded in the Old Testament
The First 40 Years
Exodus 2:1-10 - Provisions, Prestige and Power
Moses had the best of all that Egypt had to offer. He is also aware of the plight of the Israelites. He sees an opportunity for vengeance. Notice his preparation to act in verse 12 "He looked this way and that (horizontal view) a...
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August 17, 2022
by Jay Letey
Walk by the Spirit
Read Luke 8:40-56
This passage reveals the Spirit of God at work in Jesus. We need to start by remembering that Jesus never relied on His own deity during His earthly ministry (John 5:19, 30; 6:38; 8:28; 14:10). With that in mind let's consider what transpires one day as Jesus is traveling with the disciples.
First, a ruler of the synagogue interrupts Jesus to plead with...
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August 2, 2021
by Jay Letey
Recently the Lord has focused my attention on a very familiar passage. Before I mention it let me share some introductory thoughts. First of all, I am constantly amazed at how Jesus' teaching is so simple and concise and yet extremely profound.
Each day I determine how I will approach living out my faith. Put simply, it is as though I daily stand at an intersection with t...
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June 15, 2021
by Jay Letey
The pivotal event in all of history occurred when Jesus conquered death by departing from the tomb in which He was buried. He appears to some women and then to His disciples. Luke 24:1-12 tells us about those events. What is amazing is the next thing He did. I would think that the most strategic thing Jesus could do next would be to appear to as many people as possible to ...
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April 29, 2021
by Jay Letey
Recently I was reading about lobsters. I learned that lobsters never stop growing. The largest one caught was in Nova Scotia, Canada. It weighed 45 pounds. They are known to live 45 to 50 years.
In contrast to the lobster, I thought about starfish (although they technically are not a fish). Some species of starfish canregeneratelost arms and can regrow an entire new limb ...
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March 17, 2021
by Jay Letey
What an unpleasant thought. Just reading the title brings to the mind an unpleasant sensation. If it is any consolation, I share this odor with approximately a million people in the USA. Permit me to explain.
Researchers at the University of Manchester in England are reporting on a biological signature that makes up a...
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February 5, 2021
by Jay Letey
For the year 2021 we have chosen to focus on innovation as we pursue our essentials to make disciples. Our simple working definition of innovation is Trying Something New. We chose that term considering what we are facing with COVID-19. The author, Mick Murray, explains it this way: "Trying to lead an organization in this increasing VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ...
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December 28, 2020
by Jay Letey
| Tags: prayer
We are all familiar with the notorious light on the dashboard of our vehicles that indicates "maintenancerequired." It could indicate something simple such as the air pressure being low on a tire, or it could besomething complex and costly. Recently the light on my spiritual dashboard came on. It indicated thatmaintenance was required regarding prayer. So I got out the "Ow...
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November 18, 2020
by Jay Letey
Trusting God
We seemed to have survived another Presidential election process. Now we wait to discover the impact. Already reaction is mounting up via social media. One thing is certain; the moral compass of our country continues to drift downward, and no political scheme is going to reverse the situation.
The Lord brought to my mind a remarkably simple but profound strategy to counte...
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November 13, 2020
by Jay Letey
| Tags: Forgiveness
One of the symptoms of Parkinson's for me is that I will occasionally waken in the middle of the night with my mind racing with ideas. It has become a routine way that the Lord speaks to me. (No, I don't hear a voice) They could also be just my vain imagination or bad pizza, I call them ponderings until I can validate them by the Word and Godly counsel. Please consider and...
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September 29, 2020
by Jay Letey
Hearing from God
Thoughts and insights recalled late at night or wee early in the morning.
Please consider and prayerfully help me determine if the pondering is from God or bad pizza and please offer your insights.
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August 26, 2020
by Jay Letey
Hearing from God
Thoughts and insights recalled late at night or wee early in the morning
Please consider and prayerfully help me determine if the pondering is from God or bad pizza.
Did you notice the change in the title? Usually I call it "Parkinsonian Pondering" because that is what it usually is: thinking about something carefully, especially before deciding or reaching a conclusion...
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