Find God Working Around You and Join Him
I was freshly reminded in my recent devotional time and in my preparation for
my Home Church Group study on Experiencing God, of how Moses was quite
convinced that he was unqualified for the assignment God was calling him to in
Exodus 3:11 – 4:17. God knew exactly what He was doing in His calling to Moses
to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let His people go. Moses however, did not feel
equipped to such a calling and continually questioned God. Moses, in his power,
knew what he was able to accomplish but lacked faith.
I think in my own life how often I have chosen to look at my giftedness and
ignored God working around me. In these times of turmoil, too often I’ve try to
step out in my own power and pursue what I feel I can accomplish without even
seeking God’s direction. I become to comfortable in the areas of spiritual gifts
that I believe God has given me only to find that in my power it ends up being
nothing short of disastrous.
It has been very apparent that throughout the Old Testament and continuing to
now days, that God has always given us assignments, equipping us through the
Holy Spirit with the proof of the Spirit’s presence coming about by our completing
the assignment effectively. Again, finding out where God is at work, joining Him
as the Holy Spirit equips us and completing an assignment we never envisioned
we were gifted to accomplish.
Where is God at work around you and are you trusting Him to call you, equip you
and see Him glorified through your obedience to follow and complete what He
has called you to? May this be the desire of each and everyone of His children.
-Mickey McGee
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