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July 8th Update

Updated Blog2

Dear wvBc Family, We wanted to let you know that we will not be gathering corporately at the Grand Ave. property on both July 12th and July 19th as was previously planned. We did not take this decision lightly knowing how much we all want to gather together again and knowing how much Scripture mandates our gathering (Hebrews 3:13, 10:24-25) as we're able. But, given the...

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wvBc Webinar Tonight

Updated Blog4

Most of you have probably heard that Arizona is now under what has been called by other states a "Shelter in Place" order. TheArizonaversionis called "Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected" Executive Order and was signed by Governor Ducey earlier today. This is not surprising for most of us since the schools were formally closed for the rest of the school year earlier to...

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wvBc 1st LIVE Webinar

Updated Blog6

Dear wvBc Family Sure pray you had a great Sunday! We are very pleased to share with you that we're going to have our very first wvBc webinar. We'll open the webinar tomorrow evening (Monday March 30th) at 6:30PM. We won't start until 7:00PM which will give us a few minutes to help others get on board. Access is relatively simple:(1) download the free Zoom app to your ph...

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Making The Most of Our Time

Updated Blog3

Good Morning wvBc Family! It's kind of wild not formally being together for two weeks in a row. We are working hard to creatively keep us connected. More about that this afternoon. A few weeks ago we talked about Ephesians 5:15-16 and "making the most of our time": "Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,making the most of your time, because th...

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Dear wvBc Family, Please know, we are praying for God's encouragement, His comfort, His challenge, His courage, His grace, His very presence for you and yours! First some brief wvBc family updates: We've posted the latestChildren's Challengeon the website (Thank you Maria): We've posted updates from Cliff Neff about I-HE...

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Update #5

Dear wvBc Family,Below is a picture of Tim McColley and his family(with permission). As we reported yesterday,Timtested positive for the COVID-19 virus on Sunday.Wespoke with him earlier this morning and he is doing much betterand feels like he's on the downhill side of this. At this point he believes he's got everything he needs but will let us know if that changes. He sh...

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Update #4

Dear wvBc Family, Just a few hours ago we were informed by one of our members that he has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Immediately after receiving that information the Elders held an emergency video conference meeting and unanimously agreed that effective immediately we are formally suspending any and allin personWest Valley Bible Church activities regardless o...

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Update #3

Good Morning wvBc Family! This morning while I was spending time with the Lord I happened to be in Lamentations and the following passage jumped out to me because of the context in which Jeremiah was writing it: "This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. TheLord'sloving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; grea...

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Update #2

Dear wvBc Family, It seems weird and almost unnatural that tomorrow will be the first time in 15 years that we have not gathered together in some form or fashion. Perhaps it's because we can't even gather together in Community Groups (except electronically) since the vast majority of our groups are well over ten and then throw kids in and most group are large. We are pray...

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wvBc & COVID-19 Update

Dear wvBc Family, Please forgive me for not getting this out last night. I literally fell asleep on my desk and couldn't think straight when I woke up well after 11:00pm. As a global community we are taking steps towards learning how to function in a 'new normal.' As a faith community we must also do the same. We mentioned in our last email, the mandate to gather is very...

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