
Word of the Day: Psalm 71: 4, 6, 14

Word of the Day

Psalm 71

Verse 3 Be to me a rock of habitation to which I may continually come; You have given commandment to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress.

Verse 6 "…My praise is continually of You..."

Verse 14 But as for me, I will hope continually, And will praise You yet more and more.

Bible theologians believe the Psalmist who wrote Psalm 71 is probably in his older age and he is really stressed out because of his enemies closing in on him. So he turns to God and appeals to Him for help. As the Psalmist writes this, he uses the word continually, three separate times. He refers to God as my rock and fortress, as the One who created him and as the One whom he can put all his trust into. We can sometimes relate to this man. It's so easy to get stressed and feel everything is closing in on us. Let us remember to continually go to our Lord the Rock for protection and safety. This will lead our hearts to be continually in praise of Him. This will also lead us to have a heart continually full of hope. I wonder how different our lives would look if we became that kind of a continual people; looking to Him our Rock, praising Him and finding hope in Him.

Lord, all praise to You for being our Rock. Thank you we can always run to You and You never get tired of hearing from us. Thank you that You are our only Hope. Our hearts want to continually praise and worship You for Your care and love. We love you Lord!

Dedicated to Prayer
Heb 4:16