For God's Glory Alone

How often do we secretly love the praise of people?
Psalm 115:1 says Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory. Why would God need to remind us that the glory should be to Him and not to us? It's because we have at our core a deep seated desire for the praise of people. Look at any young child who gets applause for doing something cute and they will do it over and over ad nauseam. Why? Because we love the praise of men!
I can do good things but if I’m doing it for the glory of myself then I’m sinning. Who gave us the compassionate heart for others? Who gave us the athletic ability? Who gave us the business smarts? Who gave us the intellect? All good things are from God so the glory belongs to Him alone.
Father, I pray that as your people we would understand that you alone are deserving of praise. Please help us see ourselves for who we truly are and you for who you truly are. Don’t let our hearts leap with joy when we receive the praise of men. We are called to love you with all of our hearts, please don’t let our hearts be swayed to love another.
This thought of God's glory has been the reason for me signing off with Soli Deo Gloria at the end of each post. I need a constant reminder that God’s glory alone is to be my desire. Not the praise of men.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Greg Huber
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