You are not Condemned!

What does this picture say about your Christian life?
Do you see it? I'm sure there are other thoughts that could go along with mine but I see the chains that once bound me to my sin and the post that kept me in check to do the bidding of my former master.
Here's the beauty of the picture. I'm not there anymore! By God's grace I've surrendered my life in repentance and faith. Jesus has rescued me from those chains and God has made me his son! I'm no longer held captive by the enemy to do his will and though I still sin and grieve over my sin I am no longer defined or condemned by my sin.
Romans 8:1 tells us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Isn't that a really hard thing to grasp?
I sin multiple time a day. There is no condemnation if you are in Christ.
I sinned this morning. There is no condemnation if you are in Christ.
I sin willingly. There is no condemnation if you are in Christ.
In God's grace he daily reminds me of ways I'm sinning that I may not even have realized a year ago. Sometimes the weight of it it absolutely overwhelms me but I hold on to what I know is true. Romans 8:1 has been a great comfort to Christians throughout the ages but it is only a promise to Christians. Are you in Christ? If so, celebrate because your sins are forgiven and you have eternal life but please don't make the mistake of only celebrating. If the celebrating doesn't lead us to a deeper love of God and obedience to Jesus we've missed a major point. Love for Jesus drives us to a self-sacrificing obedience to God. Selfishness leads only to self-obedience.
If you have not turned from your sin and put your faith in Christ please know that in love I must warn you that the wrath of God is resting upon you. God is angry at your sin but desires for you to acknowledge your sin, turn from it and surrender your life to him where he will truly give you life. Psalm 7:12 warns us this way. If a man does not repent, God will whet his sword; he has bent and readied his bow. Think about the word picture for the one who does not repent. God has sharpened his sword and has bent the bow back and is waiting to let the arrow fly. He's warning us because he gets great glory by saving sinful people like us!
Please know that all sin must be punished and there are only two ways for this to happen. Either Jesus will pay for all my sins because I've turned from my them and placed my trust in him or I will pay for my sins for eternity in Hell because I've refused to surrender to Jesus. Here's a good video explaining this in greater detail.
If you're not sure you are a follower of Jesus take 10 minutes and read 1 John Chapters 1-3. Reading this made it crystal clear to me that I wasn't really God's kid when I thought I was. Note what it says about practicing sin and practicing righteousness.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Greg Huber
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You are not Condemned!