
Word of the Day: Exodus 20:14

Walk with Jesus

"Do not commit adultery." Exodus 20:14

Today I celebrate the 39th year that Diana has been my bride. She not only is my bride, she is my girlfriend, my partner and my "bestest" friend. In fact, I REALLY like her! Anyway, as I was reading Exodus 20, where God lists the 10 Commandments, I was impressed with verse 14 more than at any other time that I can remember. Maybe it's because of our anniversary or maybe it's because of the Young Marrieds ministry, Diana and I are involved with, for whatever the reason, when God said "do not commit adultery" I am reminded of how a high priority He considers the marriage relationship. John MacArthur says this verse "…is applicable to both men and women … this command protected the sacredness of the marriage relationship." The fact that verse 14 is part of the Ten Commandments, the fact that God created marriage (Gen 2:24) and the fact that He hates divorce (Mal 2:16) are clear demonstrations of the importance of marriage to Him. There is nothing much more devastating than to speak with a married couple in which there was unfaithfulness. The destruction that unfaithfulness brings to a marriage relationship probably cannot be fully measured. I am not implying that there should never be any problems in a marriage relationship because we are fallen people after all. However, what I am convinced about is that if we could grasp how serious the Lord is about marriage, maybe our first flinch would be to seek Him and stay in our marriages rather than to seek anything or anyone in order to get out of the marriage.

Please Father cause our hearts as husbands to have such a deep love for our brides as Jesus had for His bride the church. Please cause the hearts of wives to have a deep respect for husbands as Your Word commands. Lord, I thank you for marriage.

Dedicated to Prayer
Heb 4:16