
Word of the Day: Romans 1:16

Walk with Jesus

Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Why is it that we don't share the Gospel like we should? Or, why is it that we don't live out the Gospel like we should? Or, why is it we just can't get past some of these problems in our lives or others lives? I am sure there are a handful of reasons why we don't do these things or have these problems. One of these reasons though is we lack faith that the gospel is the power of God. Romans 1:16 does not say that the gospel is a power of God, or one of God's powers, or one of many different powers, it says the gospel is the power of God. Meaning, there is no other way to salvation except through the Gospel. Do we really believe this? Or when we deal with problems or sin in our lives or others lives do we try to solve things with something else. When we are confronted by sin, or any issue for that matter, our culture tells us to watch TV, take a vacation, work harder, earn more money, talk to your friends or a counselor, build your self-esteem, believe in yourself and the list goes on and on. Though all of these things can be good in themselves, if they are a substitute for the gospel they become sin. If we look to anything other than the gospel to fix things in our lives we are in sin. Of course God can use things of this world, but if the source of the solution does not come from the power of the gospel it is a substitute. Not a single one of these things has any power over sin whatsoever. But the Gospel is the power of God. There is no other power or solution to any of lives problems and most definitely not to sin. The gospel is the "good news" that we can be restored to God through Jesus. In other words, we can be brought into a relationship with God, the one who is and has the power over all things, including our problem. So I challenge you and myself, whatever your problem, or whatever your sin issue, take it to God, seeking him in his word and in prayer. Seek him until he delivers to you his salvation by his power. Seek him with your whole heart, seeking to please him according to his word in the midst of your problems, and he will deliver you by his power. God's salvation, or deliverance from your problem, may not be what you initially expect or desire. But trust him, and allow him to redirect your desires and expectations by his word and he will deliver you by the power of the gospel.