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Day 1 - Flying To Uganda!

The team flights were delayed almost 2 hours in Phoenix because of thunderstorms. Our flight was delayed even more because of an unruly passenger who had to be taken off the plane. We arrived safely in Philadelphia after a five hour plane ride and quickly had to change gates to catch our international flight to Doha, Qatar. You may recall that Qatar is where the five Gitmo...

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Day 2 - Arrival in Entebbe!

The team arrived in Doha and had a quick layover to catch the final leg to Uganda. Our flight was full but smooth and we got to watch Captain America The Winter Soldier! After a safe landing at Entebbe airport all of our bags arrived as well!! Also, even though the American Embassy in Kampala had put out a terror alert for the Entebbe airport we experience completely safe ...

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Day 4 - The Road to Gulu

The Road to Gulu! Six long and dusty hours to the northern city of Gulu. Along the way we hit many pot holes, bumps and played chicken with on coming cars and trucks :) We also saw baboons and different monkeys and crossed the rapids of the beautiful Nile river. Upon arrival we checked into our hotel but not before the security guard with the AK-47 individually hand check ...

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Day 5 - It Begins!

Wow! Today God graced us in so many ways. We were able to serve over 5000 kids in VBS events. We treated around 80 people for medical needs. We taught the importance of integrity to over 150 Pastors. We ministered to three jungle villages with around 300 people in each village. Through it all our team members hearts were melted by the Spirit of God as he used them to reach...

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Day 6 - Ministering in Uganda

The day started off by watching a beautiful sunrise over the African skyline as breakfast sausage and omelettes were being prepared. After a quick bite five vans full of God's people took off in the busy morning traffic to minister to various jungle villages north of Gulu. The road north is a dry dusty red clay dirt and it manages to find it's way into every part of your b...

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Day 7 - Ministering in Uganda

An exciting and fruitful day. Our morning drives out to the villages were filled with rain and so we prayed for the rain to stop so we would not have to cancel the VBS. Finally just as we got close to the schools the rain stopped and everything went right on schedule. This was our last day at two of the schools so it was extra hard to say goodbye to all the kids. We left t...

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Day 8 - Ministering in Uganda

Friday we were blessed to have awesome weather as we finished the VBS with over 2000 kids. Passing out candy to the kids was a beautiful act of teamwork as the entire team helped organize and line the kids up to receive their piece of candy. That afternoon several of the men were able to visit a prison complex north of Uganda dn present the gospel to the inmates. We sat i...

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Day 9/10 - Journey Back

Day nine the team took the bus for the long drive back to Kampala. We were able to stop at the Nile river and spend some time taking pictures and enjoying the beautiful scenery. Day ten most of our team headed home to Virginia while the AZ team flies out tomorrow. It's been an awesome week and we have all been blessed more than we ever thought possible....

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Final Days

Finally Home! After three long plane flights and a short stop in Doha, Qatar we are finally home. Doha was very interesting as we got to experience the local Muslim culture as they were under the Ramadan laws. We had to be very careful not to break any of them in public and the entire team was always respectful. We took a prayer walk along the Doha coastline bordered by th...

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Prayer Request and Praise

Prayer request - 13 bags from the Maryland team did not arrive and we are leaving for Gulu this morning. Pray the bags arrive on todays flight and get to Gulu quickly. Praise - the Phoenix teams bags were subject to a $100 per bag fee but the airline agent did not charge us the fee....

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Day 3 - Sunday Church Service

We were able to attend a morning church service with Truth Evangelistic Fountain Church and then welcomed the other team members from Virginia and Baltimore. Tomorrow we will be leaving bright and early for Gulu in the northern part of the country....

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