
Word of the Day: Psalms 19

Word of the Day

Reading: Psalms 19

"The Power of Meditation"

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. Ps 19:14

Thoughts continually fill our mind. 'What are we going to do?', 'What are we going to say?', and 'What are we going to eat?', and on and on……. But what is it that we spend time meditating about? What do we purposefully think about? What if our thoughts were suddenly played on a 3D screen? Would they be edifying and pleasing to the Lord?
The scripture says that the,'The mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart' (Matt. 12:34). A way to know what fills your heart is to listen to your talk.

Lord, I pray that the thoughts I dwell on and the words
I speak "Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord",
and be edifying to those who hear.