
Word of the Day: Luke 20:14

Word of the Day

"But when the tenants saw him, they said to themselves, 'This is the heir. Let us kill him, so that the inheritance may be ours.'"
Luke 20:14

There are many things that the Lord struck me with this verse, but the overwhelming principal here that I am guilty of is 'so that the inheritance may be mine.' Every blessing of my life is inherited from the Lord. Where I live and grew up, my wife, kids, gifts and talents that the Lord blessed me with... all of it, is inherited from the Lord. So often I find myself thanking God for a blessing, and then I move forward thinking its now MINE and I should be able to do with it however I wish.

"Lord, case me to view everything in my life as a blessing from you. In my flesh I want to earn my own money and spend it my own way, gain my own time and use it however I wish. Lord I pray that you would cause my perspective to always give you preference as you are the giver of my inheritance. Lord I wish to be a good steward of the inheritance that you have entrusted to me. Lord forgive me for complaining at times for being discontent with what you have given me. Lord I pray would would cause me to live by the power of your Spirit as I give you all the praise and steward your inheritance and multiply it to praise and glory of your name."
