
Word of the Day: Genesis 20, 21, 22 Matthew 6:19-34

Word of the Day

Genesis 20, 21, 22 Matthew 6:19-34

Can you imagine being promised to be the father of a great nation through your wife in an old age. Then to see this promised fulfilled by the birth of a son but then be asked to sacrifice your only son. Why? Was this son now an idol and more important than the Lord? Was this incredible faith knowing God had bigger plans than what we humanly could imagine? Was this just obedience? For me what incredible faith and understanding of who God is. Abraham was tested to see if He loved God more then his prize position his only son. We have seen a progression through Abraham's life in that continue trust and faith in our great God.

How often I worry about things I have no control over. We see that God knows the basic things we need and promise to take care of us. Yet I fret over stuff. The stuff that will perish instead of last an eternity. God has been so faithful throughout my life to provide exactly what is needed. I could tell stories over and over again but I easy forgot. This why I need constant reminding that the Lord is all I need and to seek Him first in everything.

Lord please forgive my unbelief and trust in you are in control of the future as well as today. Please Lord help me to be faithful as Abraham was in trusting You. Lord please help me be obedient to You and Your Words. Lord as Abraham was about to sacrifice his prize position help me to not pursue wealth or things that do not matter but help me pursue You.


Tomorrow Genesis 23, 24 Matthew 7