
Word of the Day: Exodus 19-20, Matthew 18:21-35

Word of the Day

Exodus 19-20, Matthew 18:21-35

We have been reading about God's continue providing for the Nation of Israel as He continues to lead them to the promise land. We have seen several times were God has said He is testing them. We have also seen several times how they are so rebellious in complaining about their circumstances but yet God is so faithful to continue to provide and protect and fight for them. Now today He is meeting with Moses and wants to lay out His commandments. Look at Exodus 19:5. Coincidence we are talking about hearing from the Lord in Church. No He wants us to hear His voice and obey!

The Lord hit me with something today as I was reading Matthew 18:21-35. I have been and will continue to pray for several situations. One of the situations I am really trying to wrap mind about and I can not figure out what is hindering me from moving on. Today it came very clear that I have unforgiveness towards a certain person and situation. Now I have a choice of how I move forward. It is easy to say Lord I forgive this person and know your are at work through this situation but look at Matthew 18:35. The key is from the heart. What does that look like? How? I do not just want to say the words. I want a true heart of forgiveness.

Lord it is very clear you allow things to come into our life to test us. Lord I know you speak and want to speak to us. Thank you for making it clear I have unforgiveness towards some people and the different situations I have been praying about. Lord I confess it is only by your Spirit that I will be able to move forward with the forgiveness. Please Lord help me remember the forgiveness You have had towards me. Let me extend that forgiveness to others and forgetting the past and moving forward towards the future. Amen.

Tomorrow Exodus 21-22 Matthew 19