
Tired? Weary?...PRAY!

Walk with Jesus

Well...its been one of those work weeks. I was at the office until a little after 10pm last night, drove 55 minutes home and got back up again to make sure I was back at the office 55 minutes away by 8am. Let me be clear, I am not complaining...but I am tired (mentally, emotionally, ect.). Six days a week can wear a person down. BUT we have, as true believers, the source of life and energy...God Himself.

"...But now, O God, strengthen my hands!"
Nehemiah 6:9b

Nehemiah was doing God's will by rebuilding Jerusalem....and building a city all over again by hand takes some time...on top of that having people intensionally and constantly attempt to discourage, scare and literally harm him from accomplishing this (gonna venture to say none of us have to go through being "tired" like Nehemiah). So....PLEASE GOD GIVES US STRENGTH IN DOING YOUR WILL!!!

--Skip Ast (the 3rd)