
Naked Man

Word of the Day

Mark 14:43-52
43 Immediately while He was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, came up accompanied by a crowd with swords and clubs, who were from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. 44 Now he who was betraying Him had given them a signal, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the one; seize Him and lead Him away under guard.” 45 After coming, Judas immediately went to Him, saying, “Rabbi!” and kissed Him. 46They laid hands on Him and seized Him. 47 But one of those who stood by drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his ear. 48 And Jesus said to them, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me, as you would against a robber? 49 Every day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize Me; but this has taken place to fulfill the Scriptures.” 50 And they all left Him and fled.
51 A young man was following Him, wearing nothing but a linen sheet over his naked body; and they seized him. 52 But he pulled free of the linen sheet and escaped naked.

Many times I have read this passage and just thought after all the miracles the disciples have seen and all the time they spent with Jesus, and yet they chose to flee. However, it wasn't until the other day when when God used the story of the "naked man" in verse 51 to convict me of my own sin, I mean it is one thing to run away but to be so determined to flee that you are willing to lose all of your clothes and run through the town naked is another.

The last week or so I have had multiple encounters with homeless people, one specifically I ran into a couple of times and each time I engaged in conversation and tried to meet whatever their needs were. However that following Saturday I was at the store with one of my kids and I smelled this person (yes they had a very specific and strong scent to them) immediately thoughts of all that I had to do that day flooded my head and the potential risks of encountering them now, and at that moment I became the naked man. I quickly changed my direction and literally fled the area, man am I shmuck.

God used this passage in Mark to really convict me that faith without actions is dead and I am just like the disciples who fled, my faith folded like a cheap suit. I won't even start with how much God convicted me of the fact that my kid was there and I didn't use this opportunity to train a child in the way he/she should go.