
Did Your Rooster Crow?

Word of the Day

I was reading about the crucifixion of Christ and though I know the story well, I'm always amazed at many things. It never ceases to amaze me that the God of all creation would endure such a horrible thing for me, for you.

Each time I read about it something else stands out. This time it was Peter. Peter had it good during the time of Christ. He had complete access to Jesus for fellowship, friendship, teaching; I mean he was walking around with Son of God! You would think that Peter would be a "rock". (Oh wait, that sounds like a topic for another blog)

At any rate, when the going gets really tough and Peter is asked if he was with Jesus, he denies it three times before the rooster crows. Just like Jesus said he would.

But that isn't the end of Peter. In our human minds, Peter would be fired or at least demoted. Instead, read the book of Acts and see how Peter takes a major leadership role in establishing the first Christian Church. God had a plan for Peter even though in our minds, Peter failed God!

What is happening in your life right now? Has God called you to be someone or do something and you've ignored Him, denied Him? Did your rooster crow and now you're thinking it is too late for God to work in you or through you? Don't be discouraged! Be available! Don't be downhearted, be willing! Pray for forgiveness, for guidance and wisdom and direction, and then GET READY!

Philip Johnson