
1 Samuel 15

Word of the Day

1 Samuel 15

How easy is it to be self deceived. We are given instruction by the Lord then only partially obey. Yet we are quick to point out reasons for not obeying fully. We blame others or we rationalize with ourselves and the Lord that we know best. Although there are consequences to our sin and disobedience we should be ever so thankful the Lord does not deal with us the way He should and continues to show His grace and mercy. So do you fear disappointing man or the Lord?

Lord forgive me for not obeying You completely. Thank you for Your amazing grace and may I learn to fear You and not please people know matter how difficult or unpopular that decision maybe. Lord you want obedience not sacrifices and many time Lord I feel as though I am trying to earn Your love verse resting in true surrender and obedience. Please forgive me and may Your Spirit guide me and not my thinking but Yours.