
Word of the Day: Romans 3:23-24

Walk with Jesus

Romans 3:23 is one of the better known verses of the Bible. But do we really believe it? it says, "all have sinned..." Do we really believe that we are sinners just like everyone else? If I believe this verse, I believe I am a sinner just like everyone else and have no room to boast or claim I am a better person compared to anyone else (see verse 27). Remember Romans 2 where it discusses us being judgmental of others when we do the same things? We have no room for judgement or boasting for we are sinners just like everyone else. As a result of our sin, we along with all of the human race are on the same page, verse 22 "There is no distinction: for all have sinned..." I would challenge us to see if we really believe this. Do you, or myself, have any power to stop any sin in our lives a part from God's grace? None. We are sinners just as bad as any of the most infamous sinners of history and have no room to boast that we are better than they are or were. Only God can restrain us from becoming any worse of sinners. While some may have carried out far worse sins than we have ever carried out, we are just as capable and would carry out far greater sins if it were not for God restraining us. This means that we as the worst of sinners can meet any other sinner right where they are at, no matter how evil we perceive them to be. For, "There is not distinction" between us and them. We can never say, "I could never relate to or be friends with someone who has done _____ sin." If we are a follower of Christ and do believe we are sinners just like everyone else, we can by God's grace relate to and be friends with that sinner.

In the matter of sin there is no distinction between "us" and "them". In the matter of justification however, there is a distinction. For followers of Christ "are justified by his (God's) grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." (verse 24) While followers of Christ are sinners like all of mankind, their sins are forgiven as an unearned undeserved gift from God. This same gift of kindness that God has given to us as followers of Christ, we also can offer to others, who are sinners just like us.